Episode 2: Immeasurable Love

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Guest: Keira Sorrells

In this episode:

  • Keira talks about her infertility issues and experience getting pregnant with quintuplets, then reducing the pregnancy to triplets
  • Keira talks about the birth of her daughters, Avery, Lily and Zoe, and her experience in the NICU
  • Keira discusses the journey grief after losing Zoe and still having Avery and Lily at home
  • How the loss of a child affects marriages differently
  • What led Keira to found the Zoe Rose Foundation
  • How grief changes over time and how to process that change
  • What is the difference between shame and guilt?

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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This page was last modified on Oct 14, 2018 @ 10:43 pm. If you see any information that needs to be updated or corrected, please contact info@handtohold.org.