Episode 108: Twin Birth and Death in the NICU – One Mom’s Story

July 31, 2024

Guest: Laura Kelly Fanucci, Author & Bereaved NICU Mom.

Mom and author Laura Kelly Fanucci shares how her twin pregnancy was a surprise, as was their diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion. She shares how surgery was initially thought to aid in their development, but when it didn’t. Laura tenderly explains how her family walked through grief and found joy and purpose again, amidst deep suffering.

In this episode, we chat about:

    • Twin-to-twin transfusion and the options for care during pregnancy, including Fanucci’s experience with surgery in utero
    • Fanucci’s experience with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
    • What grief is like today and how she honors the lives of her twin girls
    • Fanucci’s best advice to a family who has experienced the greatest loss

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About the guest

Laura Kelly Fanucci, hand to hold nicu babies parent support podcastLaura Kelly Fanucci is an author, speaker, and founder of Mothering Spirit, an online collaborative project on parenting and spirituality. She has authored seven books including Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting and Grieving Together: A Couple’s Journey through Miscarriage. Laura and her husband live in Minnesota where they are raising five sons and remembering their twin daughters Maggie and Abby who died in 2016.


Connect with Laura Kelly Fanucci

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