Episode 113: How Can I Support My NICU Grandbaby?

September 18, 2024

Guest: Dr. Judith Enders, Pediatrician & NICU Grandmother

Did your grandchild just earn a first-class ticket to the NICU? Listen as grandparent (Jammie, as she’s called) and pediatrician, Dr. Judith Enders, share her best suggestions for loving your grandchild well and supporting your child without being overbearing.

In this episode, we chat about:

    • How can grandparents best support their adult children, the NICU parents?
    • What boundaries can grandparents put in place, both for themselves and in supporting their adult children?
    • What are some helpful questions or actions that a grandparent can take when supporting a grandchild in the NICU and their family?
    • What are some resources that you think might be helpful to another grandparent?
    • What advice would you give to another NICU grandparent who wants to support but not hover?

About the guest

Judith Enders, NICU Babies parent support, hand to holdDr. Judith Whitmire Enders is a pediatrician who has been practicing for over two decades. She completed her residency at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston and earned her medical degree from Michigan State University. She is a graduate from Prairie View A&M University, where she majored in biology and minored in Spanish. Dr. Enders is active in her community with her church. She has been married more than 30 years and has three adult children, two daughters in medicine and a son in film, two sons-in-law and a very lovable grandson. Dr. Enders has received numerous awards including, Best Doctors, Austin Monthly, Best Doctors in America and Top 10 Central Texas Black doctors.


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