by Hand to Hold Staff | May 22, 2023 | Pregnancy & Bedrest
by Jenna Maxfield High blood pressure, protein in the urine, swelling and headaches and some of the most commonly-reported symptoms of preeclampsia. But there’s one lesser-known symptom that can often get overlooked: epigastric pain – pain in the upper...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Jan 14, 2019 | Family Stories, Life after the NICU
People often ask me how it feels to be pregnant after a preemie, and honestly, sometimes it’s surreal. You see three and a half years ago, having another baby was far from our minds. I had given birth to our son Jaxson at 22 weeks, 6 days, and we endured the NICU...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Feb 20, 2017 | Pregnancy & Bedrest
by Darline Turner-Lee, bedrest coach and founder of Mamas on Bedrest & Beyond Bed rest sucks! No doubt about it. I am constantly amazed and humbled at how mamas on bed rest stay focused, stay positive and stay supportive of one another. I am honored that I...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Jan 4, 2017 | Medical Info & Resources, Pregnancy & Bedrest
By Darline Turner-Lee, mother to preemie Vanessa and founder of Mamas on Bedrest & Beyond As a parent of a late-term preemie, I found myself completely unprepared for the emotional fallout after my child was born early and with breathing problems. Term births are...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Mar 23, 2016 | Medical Info & Resources, Pregnancy & Bedrest, Professional Insight
When my first pregnancy complication began (even before I knew I was pregnant), it set the tone for a very anxious experience. Throughout the duration of my high-risk pregnancy, I was extremely stressed. With one complication coming up after another, bed rest...