by Hand to Hold Staff | Feb 25, 2019 | Emotional Health, Family Stories, NICU Life
As someone who has always been very connected to people – and who regularly connects others to people and resources – I found being a new parent of micro preemies very isolating: hospitalized bed rest; having twins; stopping full time work; spending the first three...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Dec 20, 2018 | Emotional Health, Family Stories, Inspiration, Life after the NICU
Birth day: a day to celebrate the birth of your child Gotcha day: a day to celebrate taking your child home; i.e. “getting them” Some of us don’t leave the hospital three – five days after giving birth with typically eating, breathing, growing babies. Yet, many...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Aug 30, 2018 | Fatherhood, Life after the NICU, Nutrition
Sometimes when you’re trying to get your former micropreemie to advance with a life skill, it pays to try something weird. For example, putting banana in your ear. I brought his favorite stuffed toy, Blue Bear, to the table and made him say, “I’m going to chew banana...
by Hand to Hold Staff | May 4, 2017 | Medical Info & Resources, News
An artificial womb that has been tested on fetal lambs has gotten quite a bit of attention in the past week. (The end of April 2017, that is.) Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have used the device on eight fetal lambs and found that they have grown...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Apr 3, 2017 | Family Stories, Life after the NICU
by Kaylee Gort “How did you get that scar?” a curious child asks. She is referring to the “V” shaped scar on the right side of my stomach, just above my hips. While others have commented that the scar is “weird,” I have never found shame in it. “Are you talking...