by Cristal Grogan | Apr 3, 2015 | Emotional Health, Inspiration, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
Dear Mom trying to hold it together, I’m sorry that your little one is having such a hard time lately. I’m just never quite sure if I should try to strike up a conversation with you as we awkwardly wait in this cold, little room. I want to respect your privacy and I...
by Cristal Grogan | Feb 20, 2015 | Life after the NICU, NICU Life
We all picture the day our baby’s gummy smile is suddenly changed by their first teeth erupting. I mean, what’s cuter than a little baby looking up at you with their tiny new pearly whites grinning back at you? But what if there were issues that your preemie could be...
by Cristal Grogan | Jan 16, 2015 | Emotional Health, Grief & Bereavement
Coping with, and overcoming grief, as a special needs parent, is an ongoing process. We ride a continuous rollercoaster of triumphs and tribulations where mere minutes can mean the difference between happiness and heartache. At times, you can become so consumed with...
by Cristal Grogan | Dec 29, 2014 | Emotional Health, Grief & Bereavement
Most people associate grief, especially complicated grief, as something only experienced after the death of a loved one. However, many people fail to understand that complicated grief isn’t just about death. In an article entitled...
by Cristal Grogan | Nov 24, 2014 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
I’m sure by now you know the sinking feeling you get when other moms come at you with the “my baby had reflux too” stories. First, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is one of the most common problems that a preemie can...