Episode 118: Pregnancy After a NICU Baby

November 20, 2024

Guest: Stephanie Goley, Special Needs Mom

Should you have another child after a NICU stay? While it’s a common question, there is no easy answer. Special needs mom Stephanie Goley shares how her family weighed the decision of adding to their family, how they focused on joy instead of fear and how to be at peace with the decision.

In this episode, we chat about:

    • The difficulties during and after her son’s birth and how she found her new normal with a child that had multiple medical needs
    • How she overcome the “what ifs” of having another baby
    • How she practices mildfulness and how it has changed her life
    • Stephanie’s advice and hope for another family considering a pregnancy after a difficult birth

About the guest

stephanie goley, hand to hold nicu babies parent support podcastStephanie Goley is a mom of three fabulous teenagers, including one NICU alum! She currently lives in Chatham, Massachusetts (on Cape Cod) with her husband, children and dog. She has a master’s degree in education and currently works as the Director or Program Operations for a non-profit focused on mindfulness education.




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