by Laura Maikata | Sep 5, 2016 | Life after the NICU
Sometimes you don’t need to fight for your child. Sometimes they can just play, just be. Sometimes, for parents preemies or special needs kids, it’s hard to know when it is one of those “sometimes.” When my son was born at 23 weeks gestation, I...
by Beth Puskas | Jan 11, 2016 | Life after the NICU
“Wait!” and then, “no, this way!” is all I seem to be yelling now once my son and I are out the door in the morning. I am trying to rush him to the car, but, as is the case with most toddlers, he has a mind of his own. He almost always heads for the yard instead of...
by Beth Puskas | Jul 10, 2015 | Inspiration, Life after the NICU
“You are so lucky you get to stay home with him!” is what I heard all the time from people. And every time that was said to me, it hurt. I know they meant well. It’s just that they did not understand that, while I did not go back to work for 18 months after my preemie...
by Cristal Grogan | Apr 3, 2015 | Emotional Health, Inspiration, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
Dear Mom trying to hold it together, I’m sorry that your little one is having such a hard time lately. I’m just never quite sure if I should try to strike up a conversation with you as we awkwardly wait in this cold, little room. I want to respect your privacy and I...
by Melissa Haber | Jan 6, 2014 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU
As the parent of a preemie, at some point during your NICU stay, or soon after, you will hear the famous, or infamous, “catch up by two” expression. This means that by two years old, your child is expected to have caught up developmentally with his or her peers. While...