by Alison Epps | Jun 4, 2014 | Life after the NICU
When my son, James, was born early at twenty-two weeks, we had one priority – bringing him home. Thanks to some phenomenal doctors, a lot of prayer, and him being an incredibly feisty little fighter, we were able to do just that. After more than five months in...
by Beth Puskas | Jun 2, 2014 | Inspiration, Life after the NICU
One of the best moments I had while my son, Ben, was in the NICU for 68 days – and we all know those moments can be few and far between – was when his nurse suggested I read a book to him. For some of you, reading to your baby would be a no-brainer, but...
by Angie Bickford | Apr 11, 2014 | Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
Join us for our next Facebook Chat with Stacy Ramirez, the Child Find and Outreach Specialist for Any Baby Can’s Early Childhood Intervention Program, also known as ECI in Texas. While each state has various programs and many go by different names, Stacy will...
by Kaleena Berryman | Mar 7, 2014 | Inspiration, Life after the NICU
When I look at my son I see a happy, lively, extremely kind kid with a spirit that is sweet and miraculous. He is every bit the gift from God I prayed for. I see his love for music, his keen sense of sound, and his ability to entertain himself just long enough for...
by Keira Sorrells | May 15, 2013 | Life after the NICU, NICU Life, Siblings
Like many parents of preemies, I have remained hyper-vigilant about the care and development of my surviving micropreemie triplets. Early on we are taught how important Early Intervention is to ensure our babies hit their milestones as infants and toddlers. My...