by Hand to Hold Staff | Aug 16, 2024 | Medical Info & Resources, Professional Insight
Many people assume that because breastfeeding is nature’s way of meeting our babies’ needs that nursing should come naturally. But many of us struggle to learn the carefully choreographed dance between mom and infant to make feeding successful! This is especially true...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Aug 18, 2023 | Medical Info & Resources, Professional Insight
Lactation consultants understand first-hand how crucial breastfeeding is to premature babies. They also know the challenges mothers face and how much support is needed during this time for both mom and baby. We interviewed Kay Needles, an International Board Certified...
by Shoshana Koch | Jun 3, 2015 | Medical Info & Resources, NICU Life
While on three-day hospital bed rest with PPROM, I researched what was required to create a breast milk supply under these circumstances: our son was going to be an extremely low birth weight, premature, and sick baby. He would be separated from me at birth,...
by Amy Carr | May 12, 2014 | Inspiration, News, NICU Life
My husband and I were taken by surprise when our daughter was born early and gasping for breath. They whisked her quickly away to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a place I had never fathomed we would be. This was the very place where our daughter received the...
by Kelli Kelley | Aug 21, 2013 | Emotional Health, NICU Life
August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month. It may seem odd to some that we need a designated month to promote something as natural as breastfeeding. But the truth is, breastfeeding is not always easy nor does it always feel natural. From low milk supply to engorgement,...