by Hand to Hold Staff | Oct 2, 2017 | Medical Info & Resources
For most infants, respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus (RSV) causes an illness like a common cold in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. But some babies, including those born preterm and those with special health care needs, may be at high risk for a severe...
by Danielle Dreger | Apr 20, 2017 | Life after the NICU
The days are getting longer and cherry blossoms and tulips are blooming. For most people these are signs of spring. If you’re a parent of a preemie, these aren’t just symbols of something new. These changes in nature signal the end of cold, flu and RSV...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Feb 27, 2017 | Medical Info & Resources
In 2014, several headlines swept the nation about a disease called Enterovirus (EV-D68): “Mysterious Virus Sweeping the Country!” “Rare Virus Hospitalizes Hundreds of Children!” “CDC Warns Of Fast-Spreading Enterovirus Afflicting...
by Guest Blogger | Jan 30, 2017 | Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
by Shelley Colquitt, mother of two daughters, one who spent time in the NICU as a result of a rare disease I was excited and scared when we finally got to bring our youngest daughter, Mighty Z, home from the hospital. It had been six long months since she had been...
by Erika Goyer | Oct 24, 2016 | Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
Cold and flu season is here, which means you’ve probably started to hear a lot of people coughing and sneezing. When you’re a NICU parent, these sounds can make you panic. We aren’t just worried catching a cold or the flu. We’re worried about respiratory infections,...