
How can you help? There are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of NICU and bereaved families.
Anywhere in the U.S.
Apply to become a Hand to Hold Ambassador
Ideal ambassadors are individuals ready to:
- Show up for NICU families with passion and purpose.
- Use their Social Media platforms and networks to inspire others.
- Share Hand to Hold’s values of Belonging, Compassion, Equity, Integrity, Boldness, and Growth.
- Dedicate at least 5 hours per month to advocating for NICU families.
As a Hand to Hold ambassador, you will have the opportunity to inspire others and advocate for NICU families before, during and after a NICU stay. Join us, and be a part of something greater—a movement that offers hope, connection, and unwavering support to NICU families. Apply here!
Volunteer as a Parent Peer Mentor
You’ve been there. Now you can help. Hand to Hold carefully matches seasoned NICU parents with NICU or bereaved parents in need of support.
Volunteer peer mentors receive extensive training before being matched, with information regarding effective listening skills, signs of perinatal and postpartum mood disorders and self care. Learn more.
Volunteer your time with an online fundraiser
Begin a fundraiser to honor a NICU or bereaved child for a special milestone. These dollars go toward supporting NICU and bereaved parents. Start a fundraiser today.
Volunteer through an undergraduate or graduate-level internship
Areas of focus: marketing, communications, finance, business administration or social work. For more information, email us at info@handtohold.org.
Volunteer your professional talents
If you have talent you are willing to share pro bono, let us know! We will assess and contact you if there is a fit. Needs include web design, SEO, ASO, graphic design and video production. Learn more.
Submit your donations to your company’s corporate matching gift program
Double your impact for NICU and bereaved families by inquiring if your employer matches charitable gifts.
Austin, Texas area
Volunteer to help at local Hand to Hold events
Hand to Hold uses volunteers for local fundraising events in the spring and fall. This may include set up, registration, fundraising, clean up or other event support. These events bring NICU parents and NICU professionals together to create community, connection and celebration in the Central Texas area. We will contact you when we begin formal volunteer sign up activities for the events. Fill out our volunteer form.
Volunteer to help package educational resources
Volunteer groups assemble items such as milestone beads, parent bags or other weekly, monthly or quarterly activities. This volunteer work is coordinated with our partner agencies. If you belong to a service group that is interested in volunteering, contact us.
Hand to Hold Youth Ambassador Program
Hand to Hold’s Youth Ambassador Program gives high school students with a connection to the NICU and our mission the opportunity to give back.
Many volunteers express the desire to provide assistance by volunteering in their local NICU through NICU rocker programs, material donations, or other NICU-specific opportunities. We at Hand to Hold do not facilitate these types of programs; however, we encourage you to contact your local NICU for more information.