by Melissa Vandermeer | Jan 17, 2022 | NICU Life
Your family member or friend just had a NICU baby, and you are eager to provide help and support wherever possible but aren’t quite sure where to start. The first weeks and sometimes months, while the baby is in the NICU, are very stressful for parents. One of the...
by Melissa Vandermeer | Jun 28, 2018 | Medical Info & Resources
Bringing a baby home on oxygen may feel scary, but with a little practice you will learn quickly and feel empowered caring for your baby. Giving a baby extra oxygen involves a lot of monitoring, handling foreign equipment and stepping out of your comfort zone to learn...
by Melissa Vandermeer | Feb 8, 2018 | News
Every 25 minutes the world’s tiniest and most vulnerable souls, just hours old, are victims of a vastly growing opioid epidemic. The second the cord is cut, separating a mother from child, the tough road begins. Born addicts against their will, they may suffer...
by Melissa Vandermeer | Jan 29, 2018 | NICU Life
You’ve entered the world of preemie parenthood, and suddenly it’s a whole new ballgame in which you didn’t plan to play. There are rules, lights, sounds, and lots of talks that might seem foreign to you. When parenting a preemie, learning all about...
by Melissa Vandermeer | Oct 30, 2017 | Medical Info & Resources
One of the greatest dangers to your preterm baby may be a preventable virus called RSV. RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization in all children fewer than 12 months of age. Premature infants are susceptible and vulnerable to this terrible virus and it is important...