For the Love of Babies is Love that Goes Beyond

January 23, 2015

With the ever changing healthcare landscape, it is often easy to get caught up in the challenges that plague the industry rather than focusing on the tremendous benefits and blessings made possible by the access we have to advanced medical care including state of the art facilities, innovative treatment options, and compassionate care givers.

A few days after my son’s preterm birth at 24 weeks gestation, I lay in my hospital bed in the middle of the night crying uncontrollably. A lovely nurse came in to console me, and I remember telling her how much I missed my baby. She offered to take me to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to see Jackson; I struggled for the words to tell her that I missed him being inside of me. I physically ached for him in my belly. I felt very lonely and was so devastated by the hideous scar that now stared back at me when I looked at my swollen stomach. I felt I had been raped of my precious baby. She sat with me and held me and rocked with me and let me cry. It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my NICU journey and I remain indebted to that special angel to this day.

Hand to Hold’s For the Love of Babies Awards were created to recognize medical professionals like my compassionate nurse who deliver strong support and excellent medicine to Central Texas babies and their families. For the Love of Babies Awards are given annually to medical professionals who touch the lives of those who struggle with conception, complications during pregnancy, a neonatal intensive care unit stay or loss of a baby. Honorees represent the fields of fertility, obstetrics, neonatology, pediatrics, mental health, and pediatric therapy.

for the love of babies inviteWe hope you will join Hand to Hold on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at the For the Love of Babies Awards Breakfast at the Austin Renaissance Hotel from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. as we honor:

Dr. Juan M. Guerrero, M.D. – Pediatrician
Sharon Jones, RN – NICU Nurse
Becky Roberson, BSN, RNC-NIC – Neonatal Case Manager
Dr. Peter Untalan, M.D. – Neonatologist

We look forward to sharing the stories and reasons behind each family’s thoughtful nomination of each healthcare professional very soon. Much like my story, the common thread they share is the profound difference that acts of compassion, kindness and extraordinary care can make on a family after the birth or loss of a child. We celebrate their care as a model for others as love that goes beyond. Congratulations to our 2015 winners. We thank you for giving more than is required to ensure best outcomes for NICU and bereaved families.
