by Cheryl Silinskas | May 21, 2018 | Life after the NICU
I have the benefit of looking back over a decade to see what part of occupational therapy (OT) made a strong impact. At first, it was confusing. I did not understand why it was called “occupational,” as if it has to do with one’s job. Much of what we do with fine...
by Parijat Deshpande | Nov 16, 2017 | Emotional Health
World Prematurity Day wasn’t a day I ever knew about or had any connection to until I became a preemie parent myself. Having spent 109 days in the NICU watching my son fight for his life, I became aware of the harsh realities of extreme prematurity first hand: the...
by Cheryl Silinskas | Nov 9, 2017 | Life after the NICU, NICU Life
We never know when something random will become something important to know. This is my favorite example. When I was in eighth grade in 1988, I had to compete in Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS). I struggled to weave something I cared about into a science...
by Kari Akin | Jan 9, 2017 | Medical Info & Resources, NICU Life
The first thing you’re staring at in the picture is that scalp IV. It looks terrible, painful, and generally uncomfortable. Rest assured it is the best IV for a tiny preemie like my 24-weeker. They can’t move their head very much, so it doesn’t...
by David Rainey | Jun 6, 2016 | Family Stories, Fatherhood
There we were, sitting in a dimly lit room preparing ourselves for our 24-week ultrasound. The sonographer reached for the gel bottle as my wife unveiled her emerging baby bump. She gave the bottle a gentle squeeze and not-so-gentle sound broke the silence. I am not...