by Angie Bickford | Apr 11, 2014 | Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
Join us for our next Facebook Chat with Stacy Ramirez, the Child Find and Outreach Specialist for Any Baby Can’s Early Childhood Intervention Program, also known as ECI in Texas. While each state has various programs and many go by different names, Stacy will...
by Joel Brens | Aug 3, 2012 | Life after the NICU
While lots of kids big and small are headed back to school soon, our son is still a year away from starting preschool. We have been so blessed with his progress. We were informed when our son came seven weeks early that we should be aware that there might be delays,...
by Kelli Kelley | Feb 1, 2012 | Emotional Health
Tactile sensation including massage, hugs and pats on the back have proven to accelerate recovery from illness, calm us when we are afraid and even help premature babies gain weight.This is not surprising given that our skin is our body’s largest organ. When our...