by Leigh Ann Torres | Apr 18, 2022 | Life after the NICU, NICU Life
by Eliana Cutler, Hand to Hold’s Occupational Therapy Intern, occupational therapy student and doctoral candidate at Midwestern University’s College of Health Sciences. Tummy time is a great way to interact with your baby while helping them improve strength, mobility,...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Jun 5, 2017 | Life after the NICU
We measure early childhood in milestones – the first smile, first step, that very first word. Parents are encouraged to track what their baby can do, but sometimes this can cause anxiety and frustration when you feel your child is not making strides in development...
by Beth Puskas | Jan 11, 2016 | Life after the NICU
“Wait!” and then, “no, this way!” is all I seem to be yelling now once my son and I are out the door in the morning. I am trying to rush him to the car, but, as is the case with most toddlers, he has a mind of his own. He almost always heads for the yard instead of...
by Beth Puskas | Sep 2, 2015 | Inspiration, Life after the NICU
Since becoming a preemie parent, I think all of us have heard plenty of insensitive, ignorant or downright rude comments from people. The latest for me was when someone asked me, “so, what does he have?” after learning my 2 ½ year old is not walking yet. I am at the...
by Carolyn Leighton-Hilborn | Nov 17, 2014 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
The moment you have a premature child you are faced with uncertainty and sometimes that uncertainty is caused by mixed messages and information which can make you feel like you were just hit by a Mack truck. Those sharing their ideas or thoughts on prematurity and how...