by Kelli Kelley | Oct 6, 2016 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, News
Many people have strong reactions to and opinions about being told, “everything happens for a reason.” I recently read an article that equated these words to “nothing less than emotional, spiritual and psychological violence.” I know while my son was clinging to life...
by Hand to Hold Staff | May 30, 2016 | Life after the NICU
Sometimes I resented it like crazy that I had to ask to hold my preemie. Then, to make it that much worse, sometimes it felt like he was being yanked from my arms. And sometimes he was because he had stopped breathing. Another time, a nurse actually reprimanded me for...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Feb 12, 2016 | Emotional Health, Family Stories
As I look back at the NICU journey of my 25.5 weeker, I am incredibly thankful for the beautiful baby boy who has shown me true strength and determination. He has been a fighter from day one and been through more in 9 months than most deal with in a lifetime. What a...