by Hand to Hold Staff | Apr 29, 2016 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
Dear NICU parent, First of all, congratulations on bringing life into this world! I don’t know how you got to this point. Whether your labor was long or short. Whether this moment was a surprise or a day that you have been anticipating after months on bedrest. I do...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Apr 8, 2016 | Emotional Health
I delivered my son prematurely after my waters broke totally unexpectedly at 33 weeks. It was traumatic in every sense. I blamed myself, and the guilt that ate away at me year after year solidified my decision that I would never have another child. I knew that...
by Kelli Kelley | May 29, 2012 | Emotional Health
Motherhood is a journey, and when your child is born early, it is normal to bear emotional scars from the experience. Over the years, I’ve found tremendous comfort in reading the experiences of other preemie mothers. Just learning that I wasn’t alone and...