Posts: infant loss

Blisse’s Birth Story

Blisse’s Birth Story

I am a single mother, and found out I was pregnant with twins while in college in Tennessee. I needed my family’s help so I moved back home to Las Vegas.Everything was going great until November 6, 2011. I woke up that Sunday morning spotting. I had a...
Blisse’s Birth Story

Melinda’s Birth Story

It’s been one year since my daughter Kaiyah came home from the NICU on April 5th, 2012. The happiest day of my life…followed by major sleep deprivation. How the nurses kept her quiet and fed her only every 3 hours, I have no idea! My story, in some ways as...
Blisse’s Birth Story

Casey’s Birth Story

I can’t lie and say that I was thrilled when I found out I was pregnant with twins. I had just rekindled a romance with an old flame, had just been diagnosed with PCOS (on top of already having endometriosis , and was a single mom to a five year old...
Blisse’s Birth Story

Sara’s Birth Story

My name is Sara, and my husband’s name is Steve. This is our story.In my early 20s I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis. I underwent several surgeries and tried using medications to suppress it, but I knew I was going to have trouble conceiving. When I was 26,...