by Hand to Hold Staff | Feb 3, 2016 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
One of the best things that happened to me while my girls were in the NICU was meeting another NICU mom. It’s hard to believe anything good can come from the NICU, but it is true. I saw her several times around the NICU and one day my mother happened to start up...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Jan 13, 2016 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
Within a 6-week span, we bought our first house, moved 400 miles to a new city, and became parents, 14 weeks early. We had no local support network. No church. No friends from work. No people to call in a pinch. No one to bake us casseroles or tie balloons on our...