by Hand to Hold Staff | Mar 20, 2017 | Life after the NICU
In the NICU Faye seemed like she did so well. She sailed through her two-month stay with no issues and the doctors we all so impressed with her. They called her the superstar of the ward. This was my second time around at being a mama, so once there was talk of her...
by Hand to Hold Staff | Nov 21, 2016 | Medical Info & Resources
We were at the height of dealing with my son’s acid reflux when his speech therapist said to me, “It’s a monster.” Acid reflux is a monster. That describes it perfectly. It’s constantly lurking after a meal ready and waiting to attack....
by Hand to Hold Staff | Mar 28, 2016 | Life after the NICU
March is Sleep Awareness Month! For more information on preemies and sleep, visit our sleep archives. Trusting Your Baby Without Monitoring It’s a huge relief to finally have your baby home from the NICU, but there can be anxiety leaving the dedicated staff and...