by Hand to Hold Staff | Mar 6, 2017 | Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
by Hand to Hold staff, in collaboration with SafeKids Austin & Travis County Medical Examiner There are few pleasures that can compare with holding your sleeping baby in your arms. Any parent who has spent time in the NICU can tell you exactly what it meant to...
by Kathy McClelland | May 27, 2015 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU, Medical Info & Resources
Sleep. We all need sleep. Why is it sometimes so hard to get? I expected to be sleep deprived after I brought home my newborn. What I didn’t expect was the ways that having a preemie and then later, a baby with special needs, also complicated their sleep habits....
by Jessie Threlkeld | Feb 4, 2015 | Life after the NICU, NICU Life
Baby sleep is such a hot topic in the parenting world, one Google search and anyone could be overwhelmed with Baby Wise, attachment parenting, and everything in between. Having a preemie makes all “normal” baby behaviors more complex; and can be very...