PODCAST CAMPAIGN UPDATE! To date, nearly $7,000 has been raised, which means we are 35% closer to making our Audio Support Series (podcast) a reality. Thank you to those who have donated and/or shared our campaign! If you haven’t, there’s still time to get in on this project’s success. Donate $10 at crowdrise.com/handtoholdpodcast.
Tissue warning! Take a moment to watch this 1-minute video produced by and about Jackson Kelley, whose early arrival inspired Hand to Hold’s Founder and Executive Director to dedicate her life to ensuring that every family has to go through their NICU journey alone. Help us help more families through our podcast.

Please consider a gift of just $10 – less than the cost of a pair of earbuds – towards this campaign so more NICU families can receive this invaluable support.
Not able to contribute? We understand. If you are unable to give, please share our campaign with your friends and family.