by Melissa Vandermeer | Jun 28, 2018 | Medical Info & Resources
Bringing a baby home on oxygen may feel scary, but with a little practice you will learn quickly and feel empowered caring for your baby. Giving a baby extra oxygen involves a lot of monitoring, handling foreign equipment and stepping out of your comfort zone to learn...
by Kathy McClelland | Jan 20, 2017 | Life after the NICU
Babies come with a lot of gear. NICU babies sometimes come with even more. When my baby was discharged from the NICU not only did I bring him home, but also a bunch of medical equipment, medications, and breast pump parts. When we arrived from the hospital there was a...
by Kathy McClelland | Apr 20, 2016 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU
My second son was born with a long list of medical complications and special needs that sent him to the NICU the night we was born. He became so sick that he was transferred from his delivery hospital to the NICU of our local Children’s hospital. He wasn’t...