It’s a new year, a new decade. My guess is that if you’re reading this, the past decade wasn’t the easiest. Or, maybe the first days of 2020 have been filled with the unexpected. No matter where you are in your journey, the new year can be a fresh start, but it can also be overwhelming.
We’re over five years into our journey and for us, this new decade brings the start of formal school – kindergarten. As we wrap up our preschool years I’ve been noticing more notes on the papers coming home: “Work on handwriting,” “practice letters,” “keep working on this.” Oh the pressure of those comments. One more thing on the list to work on, one more goal to set.
But, that’s when it hit me. I needed to look back. No, our handwriting isn’t pretty, but we’re holding a pencil, we’re eating lunch, we’re handling emotions and transitions. We’ve come so far and so have you.
As we set goals for the future, we can’t lose the perspective of the past. Whether good or bad, it has shaped us and shaped the things we hope to accomplish this coming year. Here’s a few things I’ve been reflecting on as I look toward what’s ahead in this new decade:
- Allow the past to shape the future. Whether good or bad, it’s part of your story. Use those experiences to look forward at the things you want to accomplish for yourself and that you hope for your children to accomplish.
- Set goals – even for the small stuff. When we found out we were pregnant after a micro preemie, and a miscarriage, the excitement immediately turned to anxiety. By breaking down the pregnancy into tiny goals it felt more manageable. Maybe, your family is facing something big this year – break it down.
- Celebrate the small stuff. Remember those days in NICU when you got excited over a few grams gained? Maybe even just one gram. You celebrated the progress. Keep celebrating! Find something everyday to celebrate – progress is progress, no matter how slow or small. Again, looking back helps to give you perspective of how far you’ve come.
I hope this new decade is one of hope and celebration for you and your family, but even in the midst of struggles and despair find something small to work toward, something to celebrate and don’t ever forget how far you’ve come!