by Lindsay Rosenfeld | Mar 25, 2019 | Family Stories, Life after the NICU, NICU Life
When I was pregnant, I remember reading about classes for new parents-to-be. There were options like Caring for Your Newborn, or Caring for your Newborn Twins, or Breastfeeding 101. I definitely don’t remember any offerings called Caring for your Micro Preemies. Who...
by Guest Blogger | Mar 7, 2019 | Emotional Health, Life after the NICU
by Karri Friedenberger When something traumatic happens to a person or a family you often hear about them adjusting to their “new normal.” One finds their new rhythm in life, adjusting their sails and moving forward. In February 2001 our twin girls, Hanna...
by Lindsay Rosenfeld | Feb 25, 2019 | Emotional Health, Family Stories, NICU Life
As someone who has always been very connected to people – and who regularly connects others to people and resources – I found being a new parent of micro preemies very isolating: hospitalized bed rest; having twins; stopping full time work; spending the first three...
by Lindsay Rosenfeld | Dec 20, 2018 | Emotional Health, Family Stories, Inspiration, Life after the NICU
Birth day: a day to celebrate the birth of your child Gotcha day: a day to celebrate taking your child home; i.e. “getting them” Some of us don’t leave the hospital three – five days after giving birth with typically eating, breathing, growing babies. Yet, many...
by Leigh Ann Torres | Dec 14, 2018 | Reviews & Giveaways
For those planning a family, the news of a pregnancy can fill parents-to-be with excitement and maybe a little uncertainty. For those who have struggled with infertility, it can be an overwhelming mixture of emotions ranging from elation to terror. Author Crystal...